Social Media Success For Your Business

Social media is now a must for any business.

Creating connections with potential customers/clients, advertising, communicating and engaging, educating and managing networks and relationships is the number one tool businesses need to utilise to ensure they are setting their business up for growth and success.
However, social media can be a minefield. It takes time, effort and skill for it to be effective and deliver the best possible results. There are so many platforms to be mastered, so much to manage and monitor, and so many features most of us don't even know about!
So how does a business, especially a small business, make social media work for them?
The answer isn't finding a way to buy extra hours in the day; instead, it is investing in a way to make the same hours that everyone has to be more effective and efficient and work for you. The answer is a virtual assistant to help you manage your business social media presence, ME.
No matter where you are in your social media journey, how big or small your vision or how much control you want, there is an option for your business to utilise my social media skills (learnt through hard work, some trial and error and a lot of training) to get it delivering results.
You are already busy enough running your business, so why not let me build your social media presence for you?
I can do as little or as much as you like, from the day to day management of your page and community moderation to just the initial setup and content creation.
I have over three years of experience working closely with various social media platforms with businesses and community organisations. I have also completed over 12 months of social media training to build a business profile and engage with customers to create your business profile and increase sales.
Some of the social media services I can offer include:
• Profile/page setup
• Ongoing page/profile management
• Social media creation (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat & Pinterest)
• Content research & planning
• Scheduling of posts
• Setting up & running campaigns
• Social media community moderation
If there is anything else not on this list, ask, and I can easily add it to your personalised listing.
Please reach out and discuss where you are at now and where you would like to be in the future and let's work together to get you there virtually!

Service Areas::
Accounting & Bookkeeping
Advisory Services
Agricultural Services
Customer Service/Support
Design & Creative
Event Management
IT & Networking
Project Management
Sales & Marketing
Systems and Processes
Technical Support
Writing & Editing

Public discussion (5)

Russell C

3 years ago

We are interested to discuss opportunites. We are a caterer based in Hervey Bay, that provide services in QLD

Please contact 07 4194 6293.

Rosa Czinege

Bay Fusion Food Design

Russell C

3 years ago

We are interested to discuss opportunities. We are a caterer based in Hervey Bay, that provide services in QLD

Please contact 07 4194 6293.

Rosa Czinege

Bay Fusion Food Design

The Rural Virtual Assistant

3 years ago

Hi Russell, thank you for your comment. I will be in touch with you today.

AMT Bookkeeping Services

2 months ago

Do you have any experience with lead magnets and hubspot?

The Rural Virtual Assistant

2 months ago

Hi, I do have experience with lead magnets and have used Hubspot before. I will send you a message.

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